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One of my Freight providers is showing no search history, why is this?

Ship Angel provides a platform for your team to easily compare and contrast ocean and air rates. However, without updated rates being added to your workspace, we won't be able to provide live search history or provide any rate comparisons for relevant providers.

If you're certain that you've uploaded the correct rates but they're not showing up, it may be because we're doing some work on your account. Please try refreshing the page or logging out and logging back in. If the issue persists, please contact your dedicated Account Manager or the Ship Angel Customer Support team at support@shipangel.com for further assistance

Pro Tip: It's a good idea to keep your rates updated on the platform or send them to us regularly. This way, we can make sure you always have the most current and accurate data at your fingertips. Ship Angel can set up a unique forwarder address to make forwarding rate changes even easier!